Standing on Business with Nashada Saka

How are you? For those that don’t know you, who are you and what do you do?

I’m doing well, just in the thick of wedding season prep! I’m Nashada Saka, also known as The Business Midwife. I specialize in empowering women through coaching and events, helping them build confidence, birth their businesses, and seamlessly blend femininity with class. In short, I help women turn their passions into thriving businesses.

How did you get into business and coaching? What was the inspiration?

Business has been in my DNA from the start. Whether it was selling colored pictures as a kid, reselling sweets in school, or even selling food during university, I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit. I was that friend who’d motivate others to start their businesses, even designing logos for them. Coaching naturally evolved from there, though I didn’t realize it had a name until a few years ago. My inspiration? It was always there—I’ve just been following the path laid out for me. Fun fact: I actually started my business while sleeping on someone’s couch, proving you don’t need the perfect setup to chase your dreams, just a lot of passion and a dash of hustle!

You help women get into business and grow their business. Why was this important to you?

This mission is close to my heart because the Bible encourages us to “occupy until I come.” I believe women, as daughters of God, are meant to take up space and make their mark. Business is a fantastic way to do that, offering the ability to expand your influence across countries, all from the comfort of your home. On a deeper level, business represents freedom—freedom to design a life you never thought possible and to create a legacy that transforms your family’s future. That’s why I launched ConfidentlyHer—I’m passionate about the power of business to change lives.

What’s the common hurdle for women when it comes to business?

Confidence is the biggest hurdle. Many women hesitate to put their businesses out there because it means putting themselves out there, and that can be intimidating. But as a wise mentor once told me, “If you’re not visible, you’re invisible.” How can we make our mark if we’re hiding? We’re meant to be the light of the world, a city on a hill that can’t be hidden. That’s why I focus on helping women build the confidence they need to shine in life.

What do you say to people who don’t think Christians should be doing business? How do you answer those criticisms?

I’d point them to Luke 19:13, which says, “Occupy until I come,” or as some translations put it, “Do business until I come.” I’d also ask them to consider how Jesus’ ministry was supported—it was largely funded by women in business. The Proverbs 31 woman is another great example—she was a businesswoman too. I believe God calls us to occupy, and business is a powerful way to fulfill that call.

How does your faith impact how and why you do business?

My faith is the cornerstone of everything I do in business. God placed this calling in me, and He continues to guide and nurture it. I can’t do what I do without His direction. He shows me the next steps, reigns me in when I’m moving too fast, and gives me the grace and strength to keep going. Business isn’t always easy, and it’s not as glamorous as it might seem, but it’s incredibly fulfilling. It’s a significant part of my life, right up there with my marriage.

If you could give women who are looking to start a business but may be scared or reluctant one piece of advice, what would it be?

My advice is simple: Do it scared. Don’t wait for the fear to fade because it might not. Take that leap of faith and start your business, even if you’re shaking in your boots! And if you need more support, stay connected with me on Instagram @nashadasaka or join my community, ConfidentlyHer on IG. We offer a strong community, events, and services designed to help you build your confidence and *birth that business!*


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