Voices, Voices, Voices

by Oluwatomisin Alhassan

VOICES, VOICES, VOICES. What echoes in your head when the word voice is uttered. We have many voices in our head but what voice is the main character in your head? *Chuckles* As Christians, it is important to know what voice is the most dominant voice in our lives. That’s why we need to discern the voices in our heads. Is it the Holy Spirit; that small, still voice? Or, is it us; the one that is emotional and screaming flesh? Or perhaps the voice of God; loud and clear depending on what stage in your relationship you’re in with Him. We often get confused as to which voice are as believers. No worries. That will soon be clear as you read on.

The first step to hearing God loud and clear is by eliminating distractions. Our days are filled with distractions; from having to meet deadlines to scrolling on social media. It takes a conscious choice to eliminate these distractions. You can start by scheduling prayer and Bible reading time in the morning as soon as you wake up. Or right before you go to bed. Reading your Bible on the way to work on the train or bus, singing worship songs to connect to the Spirit, and praying internally while walking are fundamental to incorporating time with Godin your busy schedule. He understands.

Meditating on God’s Word is key to hearing Him. If we want to listen to what God is saying, we must open our Bible. This is shown in 1 Samuel 3:21:

“The Lord continued to appear to Shiloh, and there He revealed Himself to Samuel through His Word.”

The simplest way to gain wisdom and guidance towards a matter is to take a look at the Word.

Trusting what God says to you and heeding it will enable you to grow stronger in hearing Him. It might start off as a gut instinct or an inkling of the Spirit, but you must have faith to trust it. A way you do this and obey His words; His voice will become louder in your life.

A final tip is to always go back to the Word to see if what He is saying to you matches with His Word. Sometimes, we may get it wrong as our desires and emotions can create noise around His voice. It’s best to fast and kill the flesh so that His voice is prominent in your life.

Remember not to be hard on yourself if you’re not hearing Him immediately. This walk is a journey and your relationship with God is unique, so don’t compare yours to another person’s own journey. God always wants to speak to you, but are you listening?


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