Laura Murillo: Growth
Who is Laura Murillo for those that don’t know? How would you describe yourself to someone who doesn’t know you?
I would describe myself as someone who’s very empathetic, a great listener and I definitely love to be a pillar of support for those around me. And because of these traits, I decided to start my own life coaching business where I help women release limiting patterns of self doubt and lead a life with confidence using NLP, Emotional Intelligence & Positive Psychology.
You’re also a mindset coach, how would you explain what that is for those that don’t know? How did you get into it?
So a mindset coach is someone that coaches you with the way that you think, in particular things in the mind that are getting in the way from accomplishing things in life. So whether that be limiting beliefs, fears, self doubt, inner confidence.
I got into coaching when I found myself being a pillar of support for those closest around me. I found myself wanting to reach out to close friends of mine to check in how they were doing, and would also keep them accountable with the things they needed to do for themselves, wether it be relationship or career orientated, and I vividly remember the amount of messages I would get, thanking me for being there for them during those dark periods. And it was in that moment that I began to research what I could do with my God given talents.
How did you get to that point where you realised you wanted to help women grow?
I realised I wanted to help women grow when I found myself noticing the reasons why they were not growing in the first place. Why they were stuck in the same cycles even though they did have a desire to change. The only thing they didn’t have was the guidance, the roadmap and a person to hold them accountable. Yes we can reach out to friends or family and share them our personal and professional goals, but the truth is they also have a life of their own. Whereas a coach, they are just as invested in seeing you grow than you are. Coaches don’t reach out when it’s convenient for them but when it’s needed for the benefits of their clients. And something else I noticed was that these women could not actually notice the roadblocks and limiting beliefs that were holding them back. I could see them of course, but I wanted to find ways for them to realise it for themselves, because that’s when women take the most action.

What does growth look like to you and what’s been your personal growth journey?
This is a very good question. Growth for me is when you are no longer the same person you used to be. Whether that be in the way that you think or the way you view the world changes.
My personal growth started the moment I got out of a toxic relationship. Because that’s when I knew I needed to work on my self esteem, self worth and confidence, to know what I would tolerate or not. And since then, I’ve also noticed how beneficial working on my own growth journey impacted my whole life, from friendships, career wise, financially & even spiritually.
I came across a verse in the bible that also allowed me to continue to get up from dark moments into my growth journey, and it was Matthew 6:26-34. It was in that moment that I felt less alone in this journey and gave me the motivation to keep going.

How has your growth journey been impacted by motherhood and being a wife?
It’s been massively impacted because when you go through these life changing events and circumstances, you are required to adapt to these changes. And at the beginning there will always be resistant. Always. We start adapting to a specific season we’re in life and the moment we become mothers, get married, get new jobs or start new businesses, things need to change. The routines you had in place sometimes no longer work so the same goes for the way we think, which is all tied down to our growth.
These life events mould us into different people because it truly does give us a different pair of lens from which we view the world in. We start expanding our perspectives, we become more open minded and we realise that we are no longer the centre of attention. We no longer can be selfish because we have decided to commit towards raising these little humans and sharing a life with someone. At the same time; we are then also required to recreate a whole new identity for ourselves. And it’s why so many women go through PPD because our past versions no longer align with who we need to become for the future.
What would you do differently, if anything?
I would stop paying attention to the opinions of others. If we cared less what people have to say or think about us, we would be able to grow in ways we wouldn’t think would be possible.
For this reason you need to learn how to establish clear boundaries with how to avoid letting people get in the way of your own growth journey.
What are the things necessary in order for someone to grow emotionally, spiritually, and mentally?
You need boundaries, a growth mindset & commitment. Without these 3 things, growth will take longer than what it can actually be. But saying that, growth isn’t linear. There will be phases in life where you will be tested, where you need to take a break, where you need to reset, and then get yourself back up and head into the right direction, and that’s okay! We need to stop putting pressure that our life’s need to be all time high 24/7. Life is full of bumps, it’s simply having the tools to overcome those bumps with minimal stress.
What are the things that often stop people from growing?
The things that often stop people from growing are the people we surround ourselves with. Simply because they got to see a specific version of ourselves, either when we were younger or when we would go through specific life situations. But the moment growth starts to happen, people notice that “you’re changing” “you’re different” “you’re not longer the person you used to be” and because of that, we assume that there’s something wrong with us, when in fact, maybe part of your growth journey means that there will be some people you will no longer be compatible with anymore, and that’s okay. But this is the hardest pill to swallow. Because we’re humans and we go to where comfort is. & this has also been one of the toughest things I’ve had to adapt to. But at the end of the day, you need to think about the values and beliefs that YOU want to hold on to in life. And let those guide you in how you grow as a person and who you let into your life. Be open to new friendships and connections. You never know where they may take you and may also let you shine in ways you didn’t think was possible.
Any final thoughts?
If you’re going through your own growth journey, don’t be afraid to let go of people. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Don’t be afraid that it may not work out. Because at the end, God has a plan for you & you need to trust in that plan & vision that he has for you.